Monday, June 30, 2014

Last post in June :( wow!

Took a week off school projects, but wanted to share a couple “Made Its”.
30th Birthday Card:  Fishing pole (stick, string, paperclips, hot glue)
My husband and I enjoy kayaking and fishing with our dog.  We made this birthday card for my sister's boyfriend who also likes to fish and kayak with us.  The bag is silly, but it was the only one we could find to go with the creek fishing theme! 

World Cup Spirit:  Flag Face App
I love soccer, so I was excited to receive this picture from my mother in-law.  She used the Flag Face app to create it.

Monday, June 23, 2014

3 Helpful Ideas I used this school year.

First Monday Made It!  This is my first post since last summer.  What a busy school year!  I really love getting/sharing ideas with other educators, and hope to blog more throughout the 2014-2015 school year...not just in the SuMMeR! :0)

1.  Morning Checklist
The kids have these on their desks each morning.  They fill it out with a dry erase marker.  It is a class job for 2 students to erase them, and pass them out to use the next day.  Click to download it for free or make your own, laminate, and they are ready to go. DOWNLOAD FILE


 2.  Homework Club
Last summer I saw a lot of great ideas motivating students to complete homework.  I chose to use the "Homework Club" theme.  I created the numbers, laminated, and glued magnets to the back of each.  This was a monthly motivator.  If a student missed an assignment they would place their number in a jar I kept beside the whiteboard.  At the end of the month there would be a celebration activity/treat for the students on the board.  I always keep track of homework in a binder, and this is a great visual for the students.  Click to download my PowerPoint or create your own. DOWNLOAD FILE  


 3.  Teacher Evaluation Evidence Binder
Creating a binder with the Danielson Framework was helpful when I went to share my self evaluation form with my principal.  Click for a copy of the self evaluation rubric. DOWNLOAD FILE  
Click for blue chevron dividers.DOWNLOAD FILE